Post #18, published on March 21, 2022:

What is an Orthophoto?

An ortho-photo is a certain kind of photo mosaic. In map-making an orthographic projection is a highly useful top-down, completely flat view of an object or an area.. Ortho-photos are one of the primary assets I deliver when I do site surveys . A normal photo has a perspective which means that lines are not parallel, and there is an uneven scale throughout the photo. I’ll show you what I mean:

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Post #3, published on December 22, 2020:

Real Estate Photography Services

I am a comercially licensed UAV Pilot with a registered drone for hire. My camera-in-the-sky can capture incredible images. This page contains a photo album from a ten-minute flight session. Photos have been reduced in quality by a factor of 10 so that they load faster here. At full quality my photos are anywhere from 10-40 MB, for this website they have been reduced to about 1MB.

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